Invest in customer service for a rainy day
Sometimes, the trading environment for your company deteriorates considerably. This might be due to factors beyond your control such as interruption of public services, supplier failure, natural catastrophe or other unforeseen circumstances. When this happens, customer and employee loyalty becomes a major determinant of a company's survival. Will they continue working with the company through thick or thin or is this just the last straw which will convince them to bail out.
Promises made in these times of hardship will have little influence on customer and staff behaviour unless past experience has shown that the company cares deeply about its staff and customers. An excellent level of customer service can be just the way to demonstrate it. Customers will be pleased and their loyalty will increase purchase after purchase, reaching a point where they will be prepared to provide support to the company in return when it it experiences a rainy day.
Similarly, for employees, delivering great customer service makes them proud of their jobs, proud of their achievements and grateful to the company which provides the platform for success. Once again if the circumstances warrant it, these employees will be prepared to go beyond the call of duty and help the company work its way out of trouble.